Our Founders

The Corbly descendants have had many noteworthy contributors over the years.   The early work of Nannie Fordyce in publishing the “The Life and Times of Reverend John Corbly and the  John Corbly Family Genealogy was a seminal contribution.    That work was followed by the genealogy endeavors of Leola Wright Murphy in subsequent editions of The Life and Times of Reverend Corbly.    The Wright twins, Leola and Leota, have been instrumental in expanding the Corbly genealogy.  Their “ Dear Cousin” letters were always heartfelt and full of Corbly updates.

Below is a picture of Nannie “at play” on an ostrich in California (who says genealogists don’t have fun).   She is also pictured with her Fordyce Family in 1901.      The Wright twins, Leola Wright Murphy and Leota Wright Sewell O’Bannon, are shown at Corbly Reunion.   Truly identical twins, it was even difficult for their husbands to tell them apart.


Nannie Fordyce driving an ostrich cart. (courtesy: Marilyn Eichenlaub)


The Fordyce family (Garards Fort, PA, 1901). Front(L-R) Edith, John, Sara(Murdock), Denny, Cora. Back(L-R) Caroline, Wilber, Mabel, Nannie.
(courtesy: Marilyn Eichenlaub)


The Wright twins (Leola and Leota) at the John Corbly Reunion. (courtesy: Mary Lou Everly)