2024 Reunion

The John Corbly Descendants Association held its 93rd reunion on June 30, 2024 at the John Corbly Memorial Baptist Church in Garards Fort, PA.

The reunion began with a church service led by Reverand Gary Whipkey.  Following the service, Treasurer and former Corbly Association President, Bill Miller, opened the meeting by announcing that current President David Fordyce would be absent due to recent stomach surgery. After the Pledge of Allegiance,  each of the 39 attendees  introduced themselves and identified their lineage according to either the first second or third of Corbly’s wives. Attendees from the Elizabeth Tyler line(2nd wife), through the daughter Deliah, predominated.

Prizes were awarded to Wilbur Colvin, (94) the oldest member in attendance, Emmet Fox, the youngest, Lou and Bob Griffith, who travelled the shortest distance (Garards Fort) and Mary Corbly Bartlett, who travelled the longest distance (Colorado).  Special recognition was given to John Corbly III, 81 years old, who travelled from Florida for the reunion.

The treasurer’s report indicated a pre-meeting balance of$3,881.00. Support for the Garards  Fort Cemetery Association and Website maintenance will continue.  The yearly business meeting was limited due to President Fordyce’s absence.  Members were encouraged to consult David Fordyce for future reunion activities. Current officers will continue for another year.

A Power Point presentation, highlighting the Nancy Ann Lynn Corbly family was delivered by former President Miller.  Following a question-and-answer session, a moment of silence was observed in memory of church members and descendants who had passed away the previous year.  A benediction and blessing of the meal were given by Randy Clark.

Lunch was served in the newly renovated church social hall.  A whiskey cake was made and auctioned by Lena Galing.  The highest bidder was Stanley Wilkins from Richmond, Indiana.

Following the luncheon, twenty attendees toured the GarardsFort Cemetery, site of Corbly family graves, the Corbly family memorial marker and the massacre monument.

Nancy Descendants

Abigail descendants

Youngest- Emmett Fox

Congregation 1

Wilber & Joan Calvin-Oldest-(FL)

Bob & Lois Griffith-Closest-Local

Anna Fox & Kathy Miller

David Reed,John Corbly & Mary Corbly-Bartlett

Congregation 4

Corbly cousins

The Indiana Contingent

All cousins

Fun times Meeting Corblys!

Indiana Corblys

Congregation 3

Fox Family-NC

Congregation 2

Jeff & Cathy Shull

John & Mary Corbly-Bartlett (Farthest (CO))

Fox Family

Elizabeth Descendants

A Corbly Descendant named John Corbly!

Randy & Sherry Clark

Emmett Fox & Bill Miller